



‘Paterson’ (2016) Amazon Studio 出品,Jim Jarmusch 編劇兼導演,Adam Driver, Golshifteh Farahani,還有本名不詳的英國鬥牛犬主演。它是一週間的故事,小人物愛他的家鄉、他的女友、還有他的毛小孩,因為留心觀察,在平凡生活中感受不平凡。此外,電影提到一些派特森市的人文點滴,側寫人物對家鄉的情懷,家鄉對人物的薰陶,它是一部生活化的好電影。

特別介紹: Paterson 是美國紐澤西州第三大城,擁有許多名人軼事,拳擊手 Rubin Carter 含冤入獄就是其一,這件事曾經改編成精彩的電影,Denzel Washington 主演的 ‘the Hurricane’(捍衛正義)。另外,‘Paterson’ 出現好幾段詩篇,某些由美國詩人 Ron Padgett 與電影合作,例如詩名 ‘Another One’: When you’re a child… 提到三度空間的那篇就是他的作品。



‘Paterson’ 帶給我的東西,就像真實生活帶給我的感受,由許許多多的小碎片組成,如果我想要描述那種感受,一個個碎片接著說,太瑣碎,可是放在一起說,又衝突。似乎這就是所謂的說到生活,一言難盡,就算用好幾言也難盡。

不說倒沒注意 一說其實好熟悉










‘Paterson’ 詩篇

[Love Poem]
We have plenty of matches in our house
We keep them on hand always
Currently our favourite brand
Is Ohio Blue Tip
Though we used to prefer Diamond Brand

That was before we discovered
Ohio Blue Tip matches
They are excellently packaged
Sturdy little boxes
With dark and light blue and white labels
With words lettered
In the shape of a megaphone
As if to say even louder to the world

Here is the most beautiful match in the world
It’s one-and-a-half-inch soft pine stem
Capped by a grainy dark purple head
So sober and furious and stubbornly ready
To burst into flame
Lighting, perhaps the cigarette of the woman you love
For the first time
And it was never really the same after that

All this will we give you
That is what you gave me
I become the cigarette and you the match
Or I the match and you the cigarette
Blazing with kisses that smoulder towards heaven

[Another One]
When you’re a child you learn there are three dimensions
Height, width and depth
Like a shoebox
Then later you hear there’s a fourth dimension
Then some say there can be five, six, seven…
I knock off work
Have a beer at the bar
I look down at the glass and feel glad.

When I wake up earlier than you,
and you are turned
to face me,
face on the pillow
and hair spread around,
I take a chance and stare at you,
amazed in love and afraid
that you might open your eyes
and have the daylights scared out of you.
But maybe with the daylights gone,
you’d see how much
my chest and head
implode for you,
their voices trapped inside like unborn children
fearing they will never see the light of day.
The opening in the wall
now dimly glows, it’s rainy, blue and grey.
I tie my shoes and go downstairs
to put the coffee on.

[Water Falls]
Water falls from the bright air.
It falls like hair,
falling across a young girl’s shoulders.

Water falls,
making pools in the asphalt,
dirty mirrors with clouds
and buildings inside.
It falls on the roof of my house.
It falls on my mother, and on my hair.

Most people call it rain.

I’m in the house
It’s nice out
Sun on cold snow
First day of spring
Or last day of winter
My legs run up the stairs
And out the door
My top half here writing.

[The Run]
I go through trillions of molecules
that move aside
to make way for me,
while on both sides,
trillions more
stay where they are.
The windshield wiper blade
starts to squeak.
The rain has stopped.
I stop.
On the corner,
a boy in a yellow raincoat
holding his mother’s hand.

My little pumpkin,
I like to think about other girls sometimes,
but, the truth is
if you ever left me,
I’d tear my heart out
and never put it back.
There’ll never be anyone like you.
How embarrassing.

[The Line]
There’s an old song
my grandfather used to sing
that has the question,
“Or would you rather be a fish?"
In the same song
is the same question
but with a mule and a pig,
but the one I hear sometimes
in my head is the fish one.
Just that one line.
Would you rather be a fish?
As if the rest of the song
didn’t have to be there.

Another One 是我最喜歡的一篇,說好不要脫褲子放屁就不翻譯它了,取而代之我分享心得。


